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You know the saying, “Crime Doesn’t Pay?”        That’s a complete lie.




Below are examples of how much funding is allocated to departments and offices annually:


  1. Chicago Police department receives $1 Billion

  2. Cook County State’s Attorney office, $94 million

  3. Cook County Jail, $300 million

  4. Public Defender’s Office, $61 million

  5. Cook County Adult Probation, $41 million

  6. Illinois Juvenile Prison, $109 million

  7. Cook County Juvenile Probation, $30 million

  8. Illinois Department of Corrections, $893 million (if we can call it Corrections)

  9. Illinois Governor’s office, $16 million

  10. Attorney General’s office, $49 million

  11. Chicago Mayor’s office, $8 million


In a nutshell the total funding for Cook County is approximately, $5.92 billion dollars. 


If crime were to stop, a lot of people would be out of jobs working at Amazon for $15 per hour.


Over 63,000 State employees receive over $100,000 per year

I repeat, over 63,000 State employees receive over $100 thousand dollars a year.


In 1982 lawmakers violated the people’s 2nd Amendment rights and passed a law that said Illinois citizens are no longer allowed to carry guns to protect ourselves.  What they were saying by passing this is they want us to depend on them for protection (costing the tax payers $5.92 billion annually).  


From that point on the Illinois State Government grew and expanded quickly.  They put their friends in positions of power; giving them jobs and pensions that those very same people would never qualify for.  From a psychological perspective these corrupt politicians (puppets) were and are trying to be like Jeff Bezos or a wannabe Elon Musk.


They will and would do anything to obtain and keep deep pockets, own a business, hire people, fire people, pretend to make decisions, etc.  The problem is, they don’t have the intelligence of Jeff Bezos to earn their own fucken money, so they passed the law that violates the people’s 2nd amendment right.  After the law passed, they pretended to own businesses and spent millions of dollars of “our” money.


They claimed they wanted guns off the streets for safety reasons.  The people responded by saying “when we have a gun to our head, we don’t have time to call the police, and even if we did, we are sitting ducks in the meantime”.  They also asked “how come your security has guns to protect you, but we can’t protect ourselves”?  Of course the politicians (puppets) gave no explanation or response. 


The sad and scary truth is; these politician (puppets) already knew the people were correct.  They know when there is a gun to your head, you do not have time to call the police, they know you are a sitting duck.  When you ask why their security gets to have guns to protect them and their families, the answer that they are not saying out loud is, your life is not important like ours is…. get over it.


In 2013, the supreme court told the Illinois Attorney General’s Office that they have been violating the people’s rights this whole time and it should stop.  They had no choice to let people have their 2nd amendment rights again.  Yet the damage has already been done.  Within those two decades, thousands of people paid the price with their lives because they had no right to protect themselves.  It will take the same amount of time for criminals to know that the good people of our state can defend themselves and not depend on State Government.


Again, the damage is already done.  The State Government, masterminds/politicians/puppets are well established in their high paying jobs with pensions for themselves and their friends.  As far as the dollar amount for FOID cards that they made and continue to make, that number is too big to put on here. :(


As far as the local media in Chicago, you can see emails I’ve sent them on the Operation Chicago Facebook page.  I’ve sent numerous emails inviting them to talk about fixing Chicago.   The majority of them ignored me because crime brings in big ratings to report back to their sponsors and they get paid from all the ads on their YouTube channels :(


Again, if crime went away, most of these people would be working at Amazon for $15.00 an hour like the common folks (which they are) :(


Of course politicians/puppets will say this is not true and they are trying to fix Chicago, but don’t know how.  However they certainly know how to put up red light and speeding cameras and have those cameras flash a bright light to take high quality pictures of your car and license plate.  They certainly know how to record it on video and know how to position all of those cameras at the correct angle and shoot at a precise time.  They also certainly know how to come up with a system to track everyone so they can mail us a ticket so we can send them money that they have control over, but if they are really seeking the answers, here are the answers to fix Chicago. 


Keep in mind, when a child or Chicago Police officer gets shot, that does not bring politicians/puppets millions of dollars like the red light and speed cameras do  :(


If they do what I’ve laid out in my plan, not only will lives be saved but all those State offices that receive millions of dollars…their numbers would get cut in half (if not way more). 

How to fix Chicago.png

We may never be close to having the intelligence of the CIA and NSA, but we can do our best to try to follow some of their tactics.


Officers Conrad Gary and Eduardo Marmolejo, may they rest in peace, did not have to lose their lives in vain.  Cameras should’ve followed the suspects, and, if set up correctly, you’d be able to visually track and record all their movements (from the safety and comfort of an office).


I don’t need to tell you that there are a multitude of underserved, high crime areas in Chicago (such as Englewood, Little Village, Back of The Yards, Garfield Park, West Side, Humboldt Park, etc).  I’ve picked the worst one to begin a surveillance camera program.  I’ve selected the worst of them out of neighborhood need, but also in hopes that if I am successful (which I will be) all the other underserved areas may catch on and activate the same.

Every now and then, I go to Rivers Casino in Des Plaines to lose my money.  Do you want to fix Chicago ?  All you have to do is go there and look up.  There is not a spot in that casino where you are not being closely watched.  


During COVID, when you walk in the casino, they tell you to remove your mask for a second, and why is that ?  It’s so their facial recognition program can get you.  Duplicate the Casino’s ceilings to the worst areas of Chicago and all of your problems could be solved.



Below, please find the outline of my plan:

  • In my research I’ve found Englewood to be the worst area - so that will be where we prove this camera program will work.  There are approximately 33,000 people who live in that area so I’d like to acquire roughly 100 cameras.  Most criminals wear “hoodies” while committing a crime - before they put the hood on they have to come from somewhere and they have to go somewhere.  If we set up cameras, we’ll be able to see their start and end point.


In order for this to work, we need to get a hold of the CEO of the Chicago Public Schools and make it mandatory that kids in 5th grade and up take a full class teaching them and showing them how these cameras work once a year.  The goal is to plant a seed in their heads at an early age which will only grow.  The goal is to ( PREVENT ) crime, not come after the crime has already happened.


  • Additionally, we acquire media coverage of the camera plan.  Headlines will read.... “Englewood Or Camera Wood ?”.  I pay them and/or work out a deal to get a newspaper delivered to each person in Englewood so they know someone is watching.


  • Citizens of Englewood are hired to view the surveillance (paying close attention on weekend nights as they are historically highest in crime activity).


  • ​This provides jobs to bring some people out of the margins.  They will also tell fellow residents that they are watching your every move.  They can zoom in, to see if you are wearing contacts if they choose to do so.



  • Car Jackings are continuously on the rise in Chicago.  I would have our city leaders create an app called “Car Jacked.” 


Once the vehicle is taken, and the victim is in a safe place, they should push the app that is on their phone called

“Car Jacked” which will immediately inform the dispatcher of their license plate number, make, model and year of their vehicle. 


The dispatcher will have the ability to track the criminal and vehicle because before a person is issued their drivers license from the Illinois Secretary of State, they will download an app called “Car Jacked” and everyone will get this app before they receive their driver’s license.  If their phone was stolen, a second option would be to provide the dispatcher your cell phone number and/or license plate so this will still work better than what we are doing now. 



This would make it easier for the Chicago Police investigators to find the criminal ASAP and get them off the street so they cannot do it again.  Every student who takes a driver’s class in the State of Illinois will learned about this new app called

( Car Jacked ) which will also tell the future car jacker that it’s not worth it to steal a car as they won’t have that much time with it anyways. 


For all the details, please click on the YouTube video titled Sheriff Tom Dart announces new tracking tool to help ease carjackings


  • As you probably figured out by now, school is where it all starts, so again, I would get a hold of the Illinois Secretary of State and make it mandatory to teach every student in Illinois who is taking a driver’s class on what to do if you get pulled over by the police.  There are a lot of YouTube videos out there with way too many people who are really confused on what to do when they get pulled over, such as:


They argue with the cop, their hands are moving around, which is probably the worst thing anyone can do when they get pulled over.  In every driver’s class across Illinois, we teach the kids that when they get pulled over to roll down their windows all the way, and keep both hands on the steering wheel.  We teach them that this makes the cop feel comfortable and now he or she does not have a reason to shoot your stupid ass.


We also teach them what resisting arrest means and how much prison time it carries.  Again, there are hundreds of videos on YouTube showing perfect examples of a traffic stop gone bad and resisting arrest.  Visual and hands on are the best learning approaches, especially from TV.  I don’t think that I have to confirm that TV is the best learning and manipulating tool but just to confirm it, please watch the YouTube videos titled…


Never Watch The Television



After watching these videos in driver’s education class, most of these kids will say to themselves that the person in that video is an idiot who only made a simple possible ticket into prison time. 


When they get pulled over in their own future, more than likely they will remember those YouTube videos in driver’s education class and say that they don’t want to be this guy.  But we don’t really have to focus too much on this because we are creating the Officer Ella French app right (more on her app later).


  • 2 K-9 units with body cameras, at least for Green, Red & Blue Lines. Children are going and coming from schools, their visual presence will deter crime & create a feeling of public safety.



  • ​I want (2) ambulances on stand-by during the weekend for situations like this (one north of the area and one south, one for officers and one for residents).


  • Bullet-proof glass for CPD in high crime rate areas.


  • ​A YouTube search of “Back Of The Yards Residents Rattled By Ambush Of Cops” yields a news report of two officers having been shot.  This could’ve been prevented and there is no reason to not have protective glass.  If we get the glass for CPD vehicles in the Englewood district the rest are sure to catch on.


  • ​Ear pieces (like the Secret Service) on every Chicago Police officer in Englewood.  This will make it easier for the officer to communicate, and be hands free.


  • B.A.C.P. U.: Body Armor Chicago Police Unit.  Will County jail has a team on stand-by to restrain an inmate if needed.   They have gear and equipment to protect Correctional officers on that team.  When there is a report of a suspect running or fleeing B.A.C.P.U. responds first. Armor and proper equipment insure the officer’s safety.  B.A.C.P.U. could start in Englewood on stand-by beginning with weekends.  If this was active, Commander John Bauer would still be alive today.  I cannot stress the importance of sending a soldier into “battle” with proper gear.


  • Shields:  Every Chicago Police vehicle should have at least one big, heavy shield for emergencies.  In this YouTube video, you’ll see a Chicago Police officer walk towards a man with a gun.  He is following him for some time down a Chicago alley.  This officer, like all of us, has no idea what this armed man is capable of.  More importantly, he is following him without protection (which is beyond disturbing).  As it turns out, this man was capable of shooting and attempting to murder a cop.  If they all had shields, this officer would never have been shot.


  • Spark Plugs.  Every Chicago police vehicle should have a box of spark plugs to break windows in case of emergency.  It is easier to throw at the window instead of swinging at it with a club or a flashlight (and also creates a spider web of shattering in the glass that can be pushed in versus harmful large shards).


  • Dan Ryan Expressway: has a lot of shootings on this highway.  I envision multiple cameras on the 95th Redline platform and hidden cameras that catch all vehicles entering & exiting the Dan Ryan (beginning with first 5 exits).


  • Illinois State Police & Chicago Police:  it’s never been safe for an officer to approach a vehicle they pull over.  The officer doesn’t know who or what might await them inside.  They walk in blind and there’s always the potential for danger.


  • The Illinois Secretary of State, and Governor should create an app.  There are many apps installed in the entertainment consoles of newer vehicles.  The app could be called Law Enforcement.  In this app, when an officer pulls over a vehicle, they will be able to obtain an app number from the license plate.  Once the officer has the app number, the officer and driver could video chat via this app.  Update; I now want this app to be called “Ella French” as if this app was installed in 2013 when I came up with this idea, she would still be alive. 


  • If the officer feels the need to write a ticket it can be done electronically.  If a warrant exists for the driver, the officer would instruct the driver to get out with their hands up due to the warrant.  Upon exiting the vehicle, the officer could slide handcuffs to the driver and order them to put them on.


  • From today and onward, students taking Drivers Education would be required to know these rules and what to do when and if they are pulled over.  They would learn at an early age that if one does not follow an officer’s instructions to put handcuffs on when ordered, they will be charged with resisting arrest.


  • If this existed, the tragic shooting of Dante Wright would never have happened.  Thousands of lives will be saved and officers would not be under scrutiny for wrongful shootings.  Don't be afraid to create new ideas.  Don't continue to just go along with something that hasn’t been working.  If something is broken, fix it. 


  • There are plenty of links I can share that show; officers approaching vehicles and getting shot at, officers approaching vehicles and shooting a passenger, officers approaching a vehicle and gets run over by another vehicle, etc…. For examples please see the links I’ve shared at the end of this section.


  • I understand this would be a big undertaking because Illinois State police have daily meetings of how many tickets they are supposed to write.  If they do not meet their quota to make money for the State, they are disciplined, but it’s not worth the lives of troopers, officers, drivers or passengers.  The State should find another way to generate revenue.


  • Whoever created IDOT trucks is smart just like me.  IDOT trucks are big, bright, very easy to see.  More importantly, if an IDOT truck gets hit, more than likely the IDOT driver won’t feel a thing. 


  • Every Illinois State Trooper that starts his or her shift on the highway, should have the same big IDOT truck but with sirens on it.  I understand that this may be different for some who read this but don’t be afraid of different, especially since what we are doing now is not working.  You need to stop going along with a program that has been programmed many decades ago.  I understand for most people, different and walking into something new is not easy for but you need to. 


  • Please go to YouTube and in the search bar type in ( Illinois State Trooper hit )  After watching a few of those videos, then ask yourself if you are still afraid of different.  If these Troopers were in an IDOT truck, most of these fucked up videos would’ve never happened and that is the goal.  It is beyond disgusting that we have private citizens get into an accident on the highway because we were probably texting or doing something stupid.  A Trooper comes, parks and stays behind our car to protect us, and then that same trooper who wanted to only help us, gets hit from behind.  It’s wrong, it’s morally wrong. 


If you have a wife, husband, sister, brother, mom or dad, if you have anyone you love, I want you to close your eyes and think about getting a phone call from the Illinois State Police telling you that he is sorry to inform you but your loved one died on the highway.Don’t just read this Operation from Operation Chicago, start making calls and make this happen.Don’t just exist in this world, be a leader, not a peon.


  • Since 2013, I’ve been watching the news and it’s the same old story.  The police always get to the crime scene ( AFTER ).  I see them putting up tape, covering up an already contaminated crime scene, looking for shell casings, and evidence.  Scooby-Doo and his friends looking for a mystery is a very old cartoon and so is this same lame boring tactic.


  • Some people blame the police for being slow and not getting there on time, but unless you are the Flash man, it is nearly impossible for any human being to get to a crime scene before the criminal leaves.  But you know what is not impossible?  Cameras and drones and that is because camera and drones move faster than humans. 


  • Shot Spotter has been proven many times that this so-called technology is a waste of time, money and at the very least, not worth the services.  More than likely, this was just another corrupt deal done from a lawyer at City Hall who knows the lawyer and/or the owner of Shot Spotter.  But, if you really want to make this work, inform Shot Spotter that you are not going to renew the contract unless they install 4 cameras on top of their little toy, meaning:


  • Every time a gun goes off, Shot Spotter detects it from the decimals.  That alerts 911 dispatchers, which then alerts the Chicago Police officers on the street, which anyone who has any type of little common sense knows that the criminal is already way long gone. 


  • With my operation, those 4 cameras will be in every direction.  North, East, South, West and all 4 of those cameras are on 24 hours a day. 


  • When the Shot Spotter goes off, the dispatcher will notify the drone operator that is on the roof of every Chicago Police district, he or she will then send his or her drone to follow that car. 


  • Before I came up with this operation, every time Shot Spotter went off, the police went to an empty scene and just drove around as they had nothing to go on.  At best, they see someone on the ground shot, who more than likely won’t tell the police who shot him because of the code of the streets.


  • Now that Operation Chicago is here, I provided the Chicago Police and investigators with 4 different camera angles to actually see why that Shop Spotter went off in the first place, which will show, a car, make, model, year and a license plate number. 


  • If the lawyers at City Hall and Shot Spotter are going to be corrupt and receive millions of dollars that no one else would ever give them, at the very least they can do is make this work. 

Links to videos mentioned above:

I am very confident that we can make history together in Chicago and turn high crime neighborhoods into safe spaces.  Most people do not kill each other at a bank because they already know there are cameras.  Again, I am simply planting the seeds, which are “thoughts,” to inform everyone that they are being watched and those seeds will only grow.  The 19-year-old pregnant woman who was killed and then had her unborn baby forcibly cut out from her stomach and then removed, when the monsters threw her body in a Chicago trash can, do you think they would have done that if there were multiply cameras in that alley ? 


Of course not, that is like going to a bank filled with cameras and dumping her body there which is very unlikely.  The reason for that is because almost everyone knows cameras are in every bank.  We need to plant these cameras and seeds into every mind that you are being monitored in Chicago like you are at a bank.

Violent Protesters:


This will not work 100%, “but it will slow it down tremendously.”  Have the Mayor and Superintendent of the Chicago Police give a press release.  In this press release, they will announce that Chicago will have 2 big bullet proof monitors that are mobile, which are both half the size of a movie theater.  One will be north of downtown Chicago, and one will be south of downtown Chicago.  Attached to those monitors are cameras with a facial recognition program/software installed. 


On the actual 2 big monitors, they will show a green box of violent protestor’s face in the crowd.  Most people already know what that means from tagging people on Facebook so they will understand ASAP.


Then at a later date, make an arrest for those who are setting fires, looting stores, etc.  The plan is for them to stop ahead of time, and once they see their faces in those boxes on that huge gigantic monitor, they will know you have those programs to identify them.  People act differently when they know they are on camera, most people anyways. 


Moving back to Chicago has been a really sad fucked up experience.  When I used to watch the news in 2013, I created Operation Chicago because I truly thought that the puppet politicians and the State government did not know how to stop crime because they were stupid.  Now I learned that this is all done on purpose, and they can stop crime anytime that they would like.

Every time that I see the words ( BREAKING NEWS ) and every time that I see a bunch of white shirts on TV giving a so-called press release, I now see the scam.  DON’T TRUST ANY OF THEM AS THIS IS ALL ONE BIG SAD DISGUSTING BUSINESS.  What bothers me more than anything, that single mom whose son got shot and died; she has absolutely no idea at all that her son is dead because this is all one big business. 

What also bothers me, is seeing all of those white shirts on TV saying that this is sad and another tragedy.  The only thing that is very sad and another tragedy, is you are on TV playing a role so you can get money.  You have absolutely no pull or power at all.  What’s even worse is after a Chicago cop gets shot and/or dies, you still go on TV acting like I never gave you all of the answers to prevent this.  You sell out your own kind and you don’t believe in anything. 

It’s off to the suburbs for me, nerds and evil ones.  I spent a lot of my time and money creating Operation Chicago.  I also provided you the foundation to keep you alive and have a better life.  I understand that you don’t have a criminal mind, I understand that you are not creative and filled with ideas. Those things are understandable, but, it’s one thing not to be creative and not know how to stop crime, and it’s another thing when someone does give you all of the answers, and you ignore him and not demand it from your boss because you are a boot licker, kiss ass and are afraid of him. 

If you stand around and do nothing, you are guilty and might as well assist the killer yourself.  I have a pretty good track record of predicting the future.  For the things that really matter, I am pretty good at figuring those things out, now that being said: this is my last piece of advice for you.  If I was you, I would start racking up as many as Heaven points as you can.  Most of you are my age, if not older, our time is limited.  You can lie to me, your co-workers and family all that you would like to, but you are not going to be able to lie to God on Judgement Day. 

You and I both know that you go to work and do exactly what they tell you to do.  You know that you are oil in a corrupt machine that has been active and guilty of killing thousands of people for decades because they are poor.  Let me guess, is this the part where you are about to tell me you did some good things?  Maybe you have, maybe there were times where you went above and beyond expectations, but it’s clearly not good enough. 

Psychology is beautiful, thousands of people went to school to learn and study about our brains and how we work.  If our so-called leaders and their owners were not insecure and pretending to be something that they are clearly not, we wouldn’t be in this mess. 

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